Sunday, September 20, 2020

It's Not Funny Anymore

 Jill Biden should be ashamed. The leaders of the Democrat Party should be ashamed as with all those who are pushing the candidacy of a man who definitely is not all there.

Today, Sunday, Joe was on television to eulogize Ginsburg but things got away from him and he began the COVID speech.

 As Biden demanded inaction from the U.S. Senate on providing advice and consent on a potential Supreme Court nominee, he said, “It’s estimated 200 million people have died of COVID probably by the time I finish this talk.”

That would be roughly two-thirds of the country.

Several minutes later, he read from the teleprompter: “200,000.”

This is sad, really sad.

My mom had dementia. It wasn't pretty. Some days, especially in the morning, she was coherent. As the day went on the Sundown Syndrome kicked in and it was all I could do to keep my wits about me. I'd answer the same questions five or six times.

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