Tuesday, September 22, 2020

This Happened In Montreal?

 In the summer of 1968 I made a trip to Europe. I was just out of college and the journey was a gift to myself. One of my memories was of the hatred shown to Americans in France. Charles de Gaulle, he of the large probiscus, had an anti-American sentiment and it has passed on to the populace. More than once I was harrassed unmercifully.

In time this anti-American sentiment passed to their brethren in Canada, specifically Quebec. If you know about our boys to the north going from east to British Columbia the politics is liberal to conservative. I've been to Quebec but it's been twenty years. I was a salesman and my distributor, French speaking, asked me to not speak. He didn't want them to know I was American which might mess up a sale.

Evidently, things have changed. On Sept. 12 there was a political rally held in Montreal. I didn't hear about this until the other day which shocked me because I tend to believe I'm pretty much up to everything on the political level. I was wrong. Check it out.

Organizers estimate 100,000 people rallied in Montreal Canada on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020 to “fight for freedom” and protest overbearing COVID-19 restrictions. Several speakers panned fake news and downplayed the seriousness of the virus. Some speakers said the virus is similar to a bad flu. They explained how the Canadian government allegedly killed thousands of people by sending COVID-19 patients to senior residences. There were scores of Trump 2020 flags with the slogan “NO MORE BULLS*IT.” There were a handful of signs that read: “Better to Die Free Than to Live Without Freedom.”

Many marchers chanted ‘USA-USA-USA’ for the duration of the march. Surreal: Watch & Listen to Canadians Chanting USA-USA-USA:

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