Friday, September 25, 2020

I Made The News Cycle

 Gun sales have been rising nationwide for months but are specifically up in seven swing states as the November 3, 2020, election approaches.

Fox News reports the Cook Political Report lists “Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as toss-ups” in the coming election. They also indicate New Hampshire and North Carolina can be considered toss-ups too.

I'm one of those guys, even though I live in Ohio and it isn't listed, feel the need for some kind of protection especially after reading about the family in a Minneapolis suburb who had their garage burned down with three vehicles in it.

I've had and shot exactly one gun in my life and that is my Red Ryder BB gun. I still have it; keep it at our Minnesota lake place. I don't shoot it anymore unless I want to ping that rotten, stinking Cujo type dog that lives up the road. It has a penchant for attacking and biting whatever whenever.

I took an online test to get a conceal/carry license a couple months ago but stopped half way through. Even I know handling a pistol is tantamount to shooting myself and not in the proverbial foot. 

To be honest I'm afraid at the situation going on in the U.S. I travel somewhat and will even more when government restrictions are limited.

So, last week I tooled on over to Cabela's and bought a 20 gauge Benelli pump shotgun. It's just large enough to disable any piece of garbage who threatens me or my family. I'll carry it in the back of my SUV wrapped in a blanket. Next to the drivers front seat in a compartment I carry a ten" hunting knife. 

One never knows.

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