Friday, September 18, 2020

This Might Be A Slight Exaggeration

 Joe Biden said yesterday Trump is responsible for all COVID-19 deaths in this country. Sounds like an exaggeration to me. Remember when Joe said he graduated in the top half of his class in college and ranked somewhere around 78 out of 90 in law school? That was big reason why he had to drop out of the race in the 70's

Yesterday he stated he was the first member of his family to attend college. Why does he do this; make a fool of himself in this way? His great grandfather went to college. Of course reporters jumped on this as another plus for Joe. They must have been born in 1994. If they were older they'd also know that he was held back in the 3rd grade because he couldn't handle the studies.

Another one of his blunders is he's been attacking Trump for have five deferments during the Vietnam conflict; called him Capt. Bonespurs. Well, Joe, himself, had five deferments and the last one was for asthma, something he never mentioned in his biography. Capt. Bonespurs meet Commander Asthma.

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