Friday, September 25, 2020

The Day MJH Held His Tongue

 It seems I only go a couple of places each day. There's the Glacier Ridge dog park, the driving range on Schrock Rd. in Westerville and Kroger Foods. I was at the latter yesterday afternoon to pick up some items to hold me over. 

I have to admit I cheated when I parked. There weren't any slots open except a couple which seemed like the were as far away as New Jersey so I slid into one of those designed for pick up groceries. As I started walking in front of me was a rather pretty young woman. The appeared to be in her late twenties or early thirties and was wearing a t-shirt reading 'Biden-Harris. 

I can understand this apparel in Austin, Texas but not in toney Dublin, Ohio. I am so naive. I was always under the impression Dublin was 100% Republican. Not any more. When Pat Tiberi was a congressional representative it was this way. His predecessor was John Kasich, back when he hadn't lost his mind and the district was a given to be a win for the R's. Our rep is now Troy Balderson. Loser!

But I digress. I wanted to, in a calm voice, ask the woman if her shirt was a practical joke. I wanted to say, "Without saying Trump why are you voting for Joe?" I really wanted to make a statement: "Are you out of your f*cuking mind?" But I didn't. God was happy with me and I was pleased with myself. I lied. I wasn't pleased with myself. 

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