Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Media Is Playing Hide 'N Seek

Trump was in Florida recently to meet the Cuban community. You didn't hear about it from the MSM. Biden went down there to seek out his faltering Hispanic vote. He was in a vacant room.

The following is a report from those days from Gateway Pundit.

“There were 4,000 plus vehicles and each vehicle had somewhere between two to five people. So do that math – roughly 10,000 people came to support our president – it was just massive. Honestly, was a lot more than I ever anticipated.”Ironically, in July, when the group Cubans for Biden held a caravan to protest the Trump administration, the media gave wall to wall coverage of the even, despite there being a mere 12 cars at the caravan in support of the presumptive Democrat nominee.

“But for Biden’s caravan, which literally had between 12 to 13 cars, the media – all the news stations—aired comprehensive reports on the entire event, featuring interviews with all of the attendees and it looked like, you know, “it’s absolutely amazing,” Martinez continued. “The media bias ties back to why I started Cubans For Trump in the first place. 

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