Thursday, December 3, 2020

Where's The Evidence

Ol' MJ was in a back and forth two days ago with the head of the Muirfield Home Owner's Asso. Her Majesty had informed me he was a hardcore libbie type person. The reason for our email discussion was he informed the residents of Muirfield the final voting tallies; that Biden had won 67% of the votes. I choked on my cocoa. Not really because I don't drink the stuff. Anyway, if one knows about Muirfield Village this is almost impossible to believe.

So, being the curmudgeon I am, I sent him a note about the election and he said, "prove it." Well, he told me that all I had sent him meant nothing. Then I thought, "If I took a sledgehammer to your head would that change your mind?".

In this mornings news there was a piece on about all the proofs there are showing how the American voter was ripped off. 

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