Monday, January 5, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust

Now that New Mexico governor, Bill Richardson has (ahem!) 'withdrawn' his appointment as Sec. of Commerce due to alleged pay to play conflicts how long will it take for another Obamaite to be thrown under the bus? Radio babe, Laura Ingraham, ran a contest prior to Thanksgiving asking listeners to vote on the length of Hillary's tenure. I imagine you're thinking she'd wear herself out with the O by going against policy. No! Laura suggests it would be by Bill speaking out against The Man; offering his opinion on world affairs or getting his zipper caught in the wrong place. I'm thinking Laura's poll was three, six and 12 month max. I wrote down six. Middlin is a fairly safe place to be.
Lest you forget we haven't dealt with Rahm Emanuel yet. As I understand he was in Australia when the Blago thing started to get hairy. He'll be back in the news and pronto. Rhambo brings up another area of consideration. How did Obama get to be so popular so fast? He started his political career in 1996 on the South Side of Chicago. Ever been there? People, it is a place you would not take a summer walk. It's a scary place. The Chicago Democrat Machine does not have it's roots anywhere near Comisky Park and surely not close to any number of Johnson Great Society housing projects. Cabrini Green probably has more murders monthly than there are in Iraq and this isn't an exaggeration.
Check out to find out the real power brokers in Chicago. Anyway, within ten years this guy is on the political and world stage. Chicago just might be the number one politically corrupt city in the world; at the very least in the top three. In the short span of ten years a rookie does not rise to the top without the(corrupt)help of local politicians. And these pols come from the North Side where the rat population is half what it is south of the Sears Tower. What was it Tipp O'Neill, former Speaker of the House and Boston pol said? "All politics is local", and he's 100% correct. I want this guy, Obama, to do well. The livelihoods of my wife and family are in his hands but It could be a shaky ride. With Bill Richardson another one was thrown under the bus. These people are starting to add up. Payback can be hurtful so watch out "O".

Jake Tapper of ABC News, one of the few from the mainstream who has some balance, ran a report that Obama is going on TV to announce what sounds like a New, New Deal program called, American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. It calls for the creation of 3 million new jobs. So far so good. Obama continues by saying that 80% of these jobs will be in the private sector. Alright! Oops!. I'm not a genius at math. If 80% is private that must mean that-----Oh my gosh, 20% are public jobs! Does this mean that 600,000 new public jobs will be paid by taxation? In unison now, everyone just say, YES!

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