Friday, January 15, 2010

Coakley in Massachusetts

I garnered the accompanying excerpt from Byron York at the Washington Examiner regarding the senatorial race between Marth Coakley and upstart Scott Brown in Massachusetts. York explains that if Coakley isn't up by seven to eight points by this week-end(down by four at present) this election could be a lost cause. York also gives us a clue from the perspective of the White House as to what they think.

"With the election still four days away, Democrats are still hoping that "something could happen" to change the dynamics of the race. But until that thing happens, the situation as it exists today explains Barack Obama's decision not to travel to Massachusetts to campaign for Coakley. "If the White House thinks she can win, Obama will be there," the Democrat says. "If they don't think she can win, he won't be there." For national Democrats, the task is now to insulate Obama against any suggestion that a Coakley defeat would be a judgment on the president's agenda and performance in office."

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