Monday, January 18, 2010


A couple of tidbits about Haiti and this cannot be verified as of right now. It was reported to me that there are no, none, zero fire houses in the entire country. Also, with a population of 9 million people there are a total of only 6,000 law enforcement officers--max.
I'm on some meds for sciatica at present and it seems the effects keep me up late or, if you prefer, early in the morning. I was surfing the TV channel at 1:30 am this day and came across Geraldo Rivera on Fox. How does this guy keep a job? Fox sent him to Haiti to be one of their main correspondents. Last evening he came across six lawmen shooting at a guy who was trying to rob what used to be a bank. The alleged criminal was digging in the ground. Geraldo stood between the cops and the robber, only two feet distant and asked the bad guy, "are you robbing this place"? Fox execs, daily, must pray for some world disaster to get this guy out of the office. Whatever, whenever, wherever, in a world emergency the only answer is, "send Geraldo".

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