Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friends Forever Or Until We Decide Otherwise

Put your noodle noggin in reverse and recall when the Dalai Lama of Tibet was visiting the White House. Oh crap, representatives of the ChiComs stopped in for a visit so Obama had "The Lama" exit the back door, past the garbage bags, so as to not start an international incident. Now, don't think of this as being a personal snub since there's nothing personal about it. The photo of the Dalai Lama signifies every nation that is a friend of ours-----------used to be a friend of ours. I may be missing some but in no particular order think about who we've snubbed. Seriously, folks, it yanks my crank thinking about this abysmal administration's attempts at diplomacy. Why, if I didn't know better I'd say it's intentional.

Israel: today the United States will join 15 other nations at the UN in rebuking a friend for occupying their own land. Gt. Britain: they used to be a friend until Obama decided to infuriate them through insults; returning treasured gifts presented to previous Presidents; by insulting the Queen, by giving away missile secrets to the Ruskies to get a missle treaty signed. The same goes for our other pals liberated when The Wall came down: Poland and Czechoslovakia were not consulted when it was decided they would lose missile shields. Germany and Canada: They were our good pals until Obama announced last month that France was 'numero uno'.
Obama received a huge snub for being clueless from his most ardent admirer, Oprah. She said there has to be a learning curve allowed for Barry. Sort of says it all about these high school sophomores, doesn't it. They need on the job training. That's scary.

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