Friday, February 25, 2011

It's No Wonder He's Insane

You know the dictator of Libya, I'm sure. Everyone except California college and high school students most likely do.
He's in the news a lot and will be for awhile until someone "blows his brains out". That is a strong possibility and is likely to occur in a few days. Have you noticed I'm not saying his name? There's a reason and it is a lesson I first researched as a teacher in the 80's.
The guy is saddled with, according to the Christian Science Monitor from February 22, 2011, 112 different combinations of monikers. First, let's take a stab at his last name. It can be: Gadafy, Gaddafi, Kadafi, Kaddafi, Qaddafi, Qadaffi or Gathafi. Whew! I'm already out of breath. Now, consider his first name: Moammer and Muammar. Hey, not too bad---so far. In addition, one could add Al or El in front of the last name. They can be capitalized or not. Then, if you wish, place a hypen between the two-----or not.
With the various names it's no wonder he's a raving lunatic. Imagine the phone call. "Is Qaddafy in"? "Yes, this is Kaddafi" "No, I meant to say, Al-Qaddafi". "He's not here but Al-Gathafi might be. Let me check". Geesh! Talk about your world upside down and inside out.
What is it with these Banana Republic leaders? Have you ever noticed how their own personal uniforms are like something found in a New York City shop for gays and pimps? Idi Amin Da Da, former leader of Third World country Uganda was another of these bizarre wearers of uniforms. He had nothing on 'what's his name from Libya' except we know for certain he had a really bad case of syphilis. Regardless, don't count on a state funeral for the "Murderer of Lockerbie". Most likely, a rope from the nearest light pole will be more in order or, hopefully, swallowing the Roscoe.

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