Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Youngsters Don't Create A Revolution

Obama's response to the overthrow of Mubarak, one of them was to praise the young people of Egypt in leading the revolution, left me with that blah feeling and a sense of his lack of knowledge about people. Seriously, giving 'kids' credit for a government overthrow is about as silly as me expecting to hit a hole in one on every golf shot. Think back to when you were twenty years old. If you were so smart how come you got drunk and tried to outrun the police, took another girl on a sneak date thinking your fiancee' wouldn't find out or saying, "ah the hell with it" when it came to deciding to go to a party instead of study for the final exam to keep you from flunking out of college. Kids who have never bought a loaf of bread think they have the power to get rid of an existing government when they've never paid taxes. When push comes to shove I'd say these middle eastern ragamuffins saw a riot taking place, their testosterone throttled up and then it became time to burn, loot, rape and trying to steal the tomb of King Tut.
Often times Obama says things that are mere utterances. Giving knuckleheads unwarranted credit for a takeover of a government is nonsense. Thomas Jefferson was thirty-three when he authored the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin was seventy-one in 1776. Sandwiched in between were brilliant men who knew how to read and write and from their life experiences we gained a nation. It was one that was formed through deep and thought provoking consideration. It wasn't one when the words: Ready, fire, aim was the mantra of the day.

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