Monday, May 2, 2011

Let The Fun Begin

This is not going to be a slow news day but you already knew that. There are some certainties aside from what we know about bin Laden(or don't). Al Qaeda is not going to go away. I remember when Josef Stalin, mass murderer, and leader of the Soviet Union died. I was seven and believed everything anyone older than me told me. My Grandma said that he was in hell and the world was now safe. Poor Grandma, so naive----just like people today. The bad guys will still be funded. There are thousands awaiting the call to destroy themselves and others. I read an account the day before yesterday about a 12 year old Muslim who gave it up to kill three Iraqi's.
There will be stories galore about how bin Laden has been dead for years. Why, I have one here if you're interested.
What's going to be fun is reading the clever web sites; Fark, Graz and The Onion. They'll come up with clever things. I saw what is purported to be a "post life" photo of Osama. It would be funny if some Abu Ghraib type person put a cigarette in his mouth then clicked the camera. Maybe one of the guys who killed him could have done a circumcision and held it up for the world to see or put one of those skull caps on his head like he was going to a Bar Mitzvah. While in a prone position 72, seventy-two year old hookers could have been placed around him. dressed in bikinis. How about pig stuff; a pork cutlass necklace, a shirt made of swine skin. It would all be done in good fun, of course. No insults intended.
I wonder who the mastermind is now. It's like, "who in their right mind would want to be the president of the United States"? There's always somebody ready to jump in to become numero uno.
It was nice to see displays of patriotism. The all night vigil at Ground Zero was really something. Too soon, though, we forget these things and get back in our daily routine.
There is going to be much more to come, people and quickly. Hang onto your hats.

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