Monday, May 2, 2011

"Why Did It Have To Be Geraldo"

The alert was plastered across the front of my computer at 10 PM EDT that the President was going to speak to America in a half hour. "Oh, what now", I thought. With this guy it's one kerfuffle after another. Thirty minutes later I shuffled into the Man-Cave to watch. Lizzie was on the couch when I flipped to Fox. And there he was, Geraldo Rivera, priming the audience for what was to be the biggest moment of his career since the Al Capone debacle. Being the non-journalist that he is and since Obama was late coming to his own news conference, Geraldo was left with conjecture on what was going to happen. Mostly it dealt with a Libyan situation. Then, all of a sudden, somebody spoke into his earphone and said, "what if bin Laden is dead"? Holy mother of wisdom! Geraldo had an internal orgasm on screen. "Yes, I bet that's it! Bin Laden is dead". That is the exact time The Queen got off the couch and went to bed. "Enough of him", was her reply. I braved it out until unofficial announcements started coming on the airwaves.
Lying in bed a few minutes later I kept asking myself: "why did Geraldo have to be on the tube when the event occurs? Megyn Kelly, a real journalist and serious newsworthy person would have been so special. But, no, it had to be "Mustache Boy". It just goes to show; In life we have to take the good with the bad.

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