Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romney, Obama, Biden. What They Gave To Charity

I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. If it wasn't so funny it'd be sad. What percentage of their income did Romney, Obama and Biden give to charity? Obviously, because some make more than others the dollar amount will be different.
Mitt Romney gave 14% based on a 2010 tax return; about 2.9 million dollars. Obama gave 6.1% when he had to show his 2008 return, around 60 grand. Between 2000 and 2004 Obama and the wife made a little over 1 million dollars; not bad for a community organizer. Of this they gave 10 thousand to charity. And what about Joe Biden? Well, he didn't give a percent. He and doctor wife, Jill, totaled $380.00. What is it with these democrats who have no compunction about taking our money but feel put upon to do the same.
I repeat, THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY STINKING DOLLARS TO CHARITY! Joe Biden you are a cheap ass boob.

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