Friday, May 18, 2012

News Briefs

I was checking out the DrudgeReport this afternoon. Matt Drudge is on top of everything. He received his initial fame for exposing the infamous 'blue dress' in the Monica-Bill scandal. Now that he's credible it's fun to read articles just below the fold. Maybe a couple of these will pique your interest.
1) Debt per household increased $12, 984 for the year 2011.
2)  The House GOP deamnds Eric Holder respond to Fast and Furious questions
3) Barry Obama's literary description for his book, Dreams Of My Father, claim he was born in Kenya.
4) Flesh eating disease has been in the news frequently lately. This article says it has eaten a man's penis. Ouch!
5) There is talk of a government 'Fat Tax' for obese people.

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