Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Were You Doing In High School

The Washington Post has issued an eleven page report on the known prankster, Mitt Romney, who 'allegedly' held a held down a high school classmate and cut his hair. It is also 'alleged' that the lad was a homosexual. For this we are led to wonder if Mitt is qualified to be our president. I thank God I'm not running for President. I wrote a column about my grade school days a few weeks ago. I mentioned that I had a crush on a certain girl in the 6th grade. What a surprise for me when that girl made a comment on my blog. Bigger yet was her telling of the time during that school year I taught her the F word. You can only imagine my embarrassment at the time and I still recall the sordid shameful details today. I think teaching a girl to say the F word disqualifies me from the highest office in the land. During college Marv Elverts hired a few of us to work at J.C. Petersen's Clothing Store. I'm sure he figured whatever we earned would be plowed back into the company. Steve Roeder was a 'the man' when it came to clothes. One day another of our pals, Mike Culver, wore a clip on tie to work. Roeder secured a pair of scissors and snipped the tie in half. Steve, if you ever want to be our President, you can kiss that dream good-bye.
I couldn't pass the smell test for president if cow manure was ice cream. How many of us could do the same? Running for President must be the ego trip of all ego trips. Who in their right mind would want the job?
If you happen to be Barack Obama you could do some 'blow' and it's no problem. It's called vetting. The F word, cutting neck ties and doing cocaine. They're all the same aren't they? They are unless you happen to be a socialist hard core lefty with a white momma and black daddy who is the smartest man to ever live.

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