Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Time To Bring Up Romney's Mormonism

I don't know much about Mormons but only because I've never taken the time to research their history. George Romney is a Mormon. Big Whoop! So is Harry Reid and the contrasts couldn't be more obvious. The DemocRats have spent millions of dollars to come up with dirt, mostly sexual I'm sure, and don't have squat. Mitt Romney is everything one would want in a candidate. One thing he isn't is a community organizer. Oh, he also didn't sit in a Black Liberation Theology church for twenty years; you know, one of those that advocates communism. If you are one of those folks, and I personally know some, who would have a difficult time voting for one of those dastardly Mormons you might want to scroll down at the wikipedia list of famous Mormon Americans. Warning: it's going to take awhile.

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