Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Couple Of Obscure Thoughts On Hillary

Sometimes husband, Bill, was stumping for Hillary in New Hampshire yesterday. He took the podium and began extolling her virtues; how wonderful and talented she is and that she is the only one who can do the job.

One item catching my attention was when he said she(Hillary) would restore the economy. I immediately perked up. "Wait a minute, I thought, "haven't we been told by her boss this economy is on track and he(Obama) brought it back from the abyss"?

Polls are detestable and unreliable in my view. They're only opinions and as we've seen too many times years highly inaccurate. If we believe in polls then Harry Truman would never have defeated Thomas E. Dewey.

In this vein there was a pollster on television who uttered the following: "Sixty-six percent of all voting men in the country would cut off their testicles, or words to that effect, before pulling the lever for Hillary. People, in general, don't like her. That, my friends, is the reason she has to spout off by fighting for women's rights. She absolutely has to have the skirts in her corner. And you do know the problem with this? It all has to do with how she didn't react to Bill's sexual escapades and how she dealt with these 'bimbo eruptions' with innuendo and threats toward the accusers.

Imagine for a moment Hillary is the next president. What would the tone of the country be? Does she have the moxie and likeability to bring the country together? What would her approval rating be one week into the job? Can you imagine the majority of the American people saying, "I like her so much I would lay down my life for her"? Need I go on?

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