Sunday, January 31, 2016

Do You Want An Easy A? Attend The University of Kentucky

It counts towards a degree — really.

Students at the University of Kentucky now have the distinct privilege of being able to get college credit for eating tacos. According to Munchies, the university is offering an undergraduate class called “Taco Literacy: Public Advocacy and Mexican Food in the US South,” and the professor behind it wants to use tacos as an avenue for students to learn more about how people can forge social connections through food.

When I first saw the headline I thought the A might be given for wearing shoes to class but this is even better.

Speaking of college classes there is a report issued this week telling us that college students spend 20% of class time on their cell phones texting.

I don't blame the students. It's the professors who are the nimrods. How embarrassing it must be that the prof's are so boring they can't keep the attention of a kid for 50 minutes. "Oh, I long for my days in the classroom when I could absolutely destroy such childish behavior with a witty dressing down".

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