Friday, January 15, 2016

Would You Want This College Prof Teaching Your Child--Or, Why Can't Libs Express themselves Without Using The 'F' Word

A University of Nebraska-Omaha university professor who used a December 28 Facebook tirade to say “F**k the law,” “F**k police,” and “F**k the NRA” was allowed to meet President Obama after his January 13 speech in Omaha.

The professor’s name is Amanda Gailey. She is also the director of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence.
Here is Gailey’s Facebook rant in it’s entirety:
F**k the society that has allowed itself to become so saturated in guns that it’s plausible a child might have one at a park.
F**k the laws that allow toy makers to make toys that look like real guns and that allow gun makers to make guns that look like toys.
F**k racists who think black children look like adults.
F**k a legal and police system that allows grown white men to pose with sniper rifles on a university campus or in a grocery store and allows insurrectionists to train guns on government agents with no consequences but sounds the alarms when a black child is carrying a toy gun.
F**k police officers who undertook a job that carries inherent risk but think any perceived threat to them whatsoever justifies instantaneous lethal force.
F**k police officers who pull up as close as possible to an alleged threat so that they can execute the person as quickly as possible without assessing the situation first.
F**k prosecutors who can indict a ham sandwich but can’t indict a cop who executed a child.
And f**k the NRA for greasing this machine every fucking day with the blood of American children.

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