Friday, January 1, 2016

Getting Ready For Hillary


Isn't this a grand way to start of 2016? I have this deep down feeling the election cycle is going to bring us one National Enquirer type story after another all the way to November.

For example, in 2008 Trump chastised the media for bring up Bubba Clinton's extra-curricular activities with the fairer sex while blaming GW Bush for stupidity by bringing on the Iraq War. Those are Bizarro World statements, if you get my drift.

Already I've read more on Chelsea being Webb Hubbell's daughter, Hillary being a lesbian, Bill fathering a child in Little Rock while governor. The woman, a prostitute, took a lie detector test as did her mother, and passed. Bill kept his medical records secret. The lad, the offshoot of a tryst, looks a lot like, oh, I don't know, maybe Webb Hubbell(according to Bill).

2016 is going to be tons of fun. More ice for that glass, Hillary?

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