Friday, January 15, 2016

Ted Cruz Doesn't Like NY Values--So What!

Citizens of New York, especially in the City, are all atwitter at the comments made by Ted Cruz in last night's debate. The Senator spoke about the Empire State's extreme liberal value system.

Of course, Trump came to the defense of Gotham City citing how the people came together after the Twin Towers destruction. So, what, the state is and always will be the Devil's workshop. New York tabloids(and I do refer to the NY Times as a tabloid) are praising Trump for coming to the defense of its people. Ask the citizenry of every other state aside from those on the Left Coast how they feel about New Yorkers. The normal response is, "Who gives a flying crap". Coming together after a tragedy has nothing to do with value systems.

Besides, we know about value systems after Rahm Emanuel excoriated his people to boycott Chick-fil-A for their Christian beliefs against homosexual marriage. The only mistake I made in this controversy was not buying stock in Chick-fil-A. Their sales went through the roof. So much for Chicago values.

I've been to the Big Apple a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I even went to the top of one of the Towers to scan the city. The view was breathtaking. I would not want to live there. My bank account could not afford it. Thank God for welfare. It gives their citizens a reason to live.

Now, we need to put on our thinking caps regarding NYC. Queen Hillary was the senator from New York on 9/11. How long did it take her to rise from the Senate Chambers and announce, "Bush knew"? As in, President Bush knew beforehand about the coming catastrophe. And people applauded her 'lying'. New York values?

The Mayor of New York City is Bill DiBlasio. He and his wife took their honeymoon to the Vatican. I kid, of course. They went to the balmy human rights capitol of the western hemisphere aka Cuba.

Furthermore, when the communist Sandinistas were attempting to take over in Nicaragua guess who sent money and raised funds for the commies  against US support. You are correct. It was Comrade DiBlasio.

If one thinks hardcore liberalism is confined to the city limits of NYC then they might want to drive north a few hours to Albany and peruse the policies of DiBlasio's brother-in-arms, Gov. Andrew Cuomo. A few years ago, in a speech, Cuomo state that anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-gun conservatives have no right to live in New York. Normally, I'd say this is a double standard but when liberals speak it's my way or the highway. Cuomo makes Bernie Sanders look like a piker.

So, who cares what Sen. Cruz says about New Yorkers. Even Donald Trump as the presidential candidate couldn't win that State. There's a Josef Stalin living in most every household. If you don't believe me remember this: They voted Hillary into the United States Senate.

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