Monday, January 20, 2020

A Wee Bit About Dogs

Since we became adopted parents of Charlie, our little Cairn Terrier, I'm forever reading articles on behavior, dog foods, dog toys, rescue offices in the Columbus area, anything dogs.

As you know Charlie had his 6th birthday on January 14. It was a whoop de do, mostly for us. The lil' guy gets another party on February 10. That's the day he came to live with us in 2019. I didn't like him much at first but 12 hours later he stole my heart.

It seems every day I learn a new aspect of dog life and and that of Charlie's in general. Some of you may not know that the average adult pooch has the brain power of a two year old child. Of course, there are the Rin-Tin-Tin's of the world and then there are the Mortimer Snerd's. I'm almost positive our guy is in the two range.

Even so, he does certain things that have become a habit or are learned. Every afternoon at five he gets six treats. I'll say to him, "Who wants treats?" Then he jumps around and follows me to the kitchen which is sort of silly of him. If he was really smart he'd stay in the man cave and wait for me to retrieve them instead of wasting all that energy. The beauty of this scenario is about 4:55 he'll come to the couch where I'm sitting and sit while staring at me. He'll cock his head and wait for my big announcement.

He's also not stupid. It's been 10 degrees at 9 am the last three mornings. I'll say to him, "Wanna go outside?". He'll run to our set of bushes ten feet from the house, squirt and it's immediately followed by a BM. It takes less than 30 seconds. On days when the temps are above 40 we're outside for a half hour.

I suppose some of you are bored with my dog blogs. To you I say, "Tough noogies."

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