Monday, January 20, 2020

Are You A Controlled Husband

I've forever thought how horrible it'd be to have a wife who was so controlling that she'd tell me the correct time and day to have a bowel movement. Oh Lord, it'd be a horrible existence.

Don't get me wrong. The Queen leads me to believe I run the house and every other aspect of our lives. Don't be fooled. Men don't---women do. That's why the #MeToo movement is bogus.

There is, however, one guy who is so whipped he cover every pumpkin pie in our nation on Thanksgiving Day. Of course, I'm referring to Prince Harry. His old lady, a former Hallmark movie actress has pretty much destroyed his life and he's all in.

A) She's not that good looking. B) She's a twit. C) Her tweets show how brainless a child can be.

Poor Harry. In a couple of years he'll get a divorce or be divorced and go crawling back to the real queen or the heir to the throne, his bro, for money. What a loser.

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