Thursday, January 23, 2020

Hillary's Drunk Again

The Wicked Witch of the West held another news conference with a group of her lackeys. She was bemoaning the fact, according to her, there weren't enough Leftists in the media.

Has Hillary never heard of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, PBS, NPR, ABC, CBS, or, say, the Hollywood Reporter?
Not to mention Deadline, Variety, Entertainment Weekly, People, Politico, BuzzFeed…
What about the Los Angeles Times, Charlotte Observer, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
And let’s not forget Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Hulu, Twitter, and Google.
Democrats own all of the establishment media, all of Hollywood, all of academia, all of social media,  and Hillary and the Hollywood Reporter are STILL crybabying about a dinghy in this ocean of left-wing media called Fox News?
Does Hillary honestly believe one more CNN or ten more CNNs, or 100 more CNNs will change anything?

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