Glenn K. Beaton
We now witness the spectacle of the Democratic left siding with Iran and its vanquished, mass-murdering general cum terrorist. Because Trump.
It’s a case of simple-minded “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” The left views Trump as their enemy. So does Iran. Therefore, goes the reasoning of the Dem left, Iran is their friend.
Consider for a moment the character of the Dems’ new-found “friend.” Iran is a corrupt, centrally planned and crony capitalism economy wrapped in a theocracy right out of the Dark Ages. They stone women for adultery, chop off the hands of shoplifters and execute children.
This friendship between Iran and the Dems is part of that epidemic called Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. The agitated sufferers of this derangement, like hysterical leftist Congresswoman AOC, let fly nonsense such as accusations that Trump is a “war criminal” and a “monster.”
Gee, what’s that leave for, say, Adolf Eichmann?
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