Saturday, September 5, 2020

Good Lord, Let's Play Football

 In case you missed it I'm going to repeat a story. When the bikers met in Sturgis S.D. in August there was wailing and gnashing of teeth about the number of COVID cases and deaths that would occur. I stated, "hogwash" even though there were over 500,000 citizens from all over the country in attendance.

Yeah, I know a bunch of folks scoffed at me. I don't care, though.

It's been a month since these bikers were swilling beer standing one foot or closer from each other.

This past week a guy from Minnesota, age 62 died. He also had pneumonia.  He's the first and only to leave this earth. 

People, we're being duped. I don't know what it is, the election, control of our lives, the election-----but it's something.

Open up the schools and start allowing fans to attend football games. Open the churches and movie theaters. Open the bars. Give the people back their lives and tell the pols to put it where the sun don't shine.

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