Wednesday, September 2, 2020

I Can Spend Money Better Than Anyone

 Her Majesty's decided to head out for our lake place in Minnesota next week. Her excuse is she needs to close it up for the winter. It's a ruse. She wants to get away from me and to watch the sun set across the water in the western skies. In other words she wants to be by herself. If this wasn't the case she'd take Charlie.

I get the lad, again. I've had him twice this year; both times she was at the lake. Last year she was in Scotland twice for a period of six weeks and he was mine again. Granted, I love the little guy. What I despise is taking him out at 6 am for his morning poddy and give him his morning vittles. I'm a late riser. Ten o'clock in my book is late.

I perfomed another blunderpuss today. How many times have I told you that my carelessness and irresponsibilty absolutely fuels our ecomony? Last week I left my am-fm radio head set at the golf driving range so I kissed $60 good-bye. Then, leaving the driving range again four days ago I pulled my one remaining hearing aid out of my left pocket. I never wear them hitting balls. By the time I'd gotten to the car the device had magically disappeared. Yesterday, after doing some research I bought a new set for $529 tax included. That's a lot of money but it beats the $2,000 and up I'd have to give to a real hearing aid dude.

I carry around a small knife in my pocket; usuall a Buck. I've lost so many I'm famous within their company. I was at a hardward store last week, after losing another knife, and saw one I liked. What I didn't like was the price tag; $39.95. But I bought it anyway because I'm a salesmens best friend. The lady behind the counter told me I'd really like it. I told her I'm sure I'd like it a lot but that I'd lose it in 5 days. I missed it by one. Yesterday, it was in the trash bin of history. Today I went to Wal-Mart which in Dublin Ohio is like going to Mogadishu. I saw two small Buck knives for $12 and bought them hoping they'd last me until November 1. While I was standing at the counter I began talking with a retired gentleman. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife and told me he'd had it for over 50 years.!  hate when people make me feel more stupid than I already do.

I then drove home and when I pulled into the garage after stopping the car I noticed something shiny on the floor. Yep. There was a knife on the floor but it wasn't the expensive one I found yesterday. It was another smallish Buck I must have lost sometime time and forgotten about. More money for the economy is my motto. Oh, the expensive knife. I looked for it in our sofa cushions yesterday. Tonight it magically appeared.

I could go on and on but you get the drift. In the course of one week I've pumped over $600 into the money fund for items I've lost.

I'm a beauty.

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