Time flies. It was only 81 years ago today that Nazi Germany invaded Poland to start WWII. Oh yeah, it's also the Queen's birthday. I should change the order around on my thinking.
Google, if you didn't know, directs your thinking. If one goes to this engine search and puts in something like 'crooked Hillary' you'd be hard pressed to find anything. The same goes for Joe when he said he would ban fracking. He said this week he would not ban it after telling us all along he would.
Speaking of fracking why is the Left so against it since it's natural gas and, unlike coal, is clean energy?
Charlie peed in our bed this morning. There's a reason. He won't go outside when it's raining. It's raining.
I couldn't get upset with him. Heck, I wet the bed until I was 14. Charlie's 14 in dog years. In another year, though, he's going to catch hell.
A 16 year old girl from a rural town near Columbus died in a car wreck yesterday at 2 pm. Too bad the schools decided to shut down.
It's Thursday ready. Difficult to understand in these do nothing times how the days fly bye.
That's it. I haven't read the news or looked at my fun sites yet.
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