Tuesday, September 1, 2020

What Should Be The Biggest Stories In America

 Every day the media tells us what we're supposed to see; what were supposed to think. They determine the agenda. You know this as well as I.

There were two huge stories that took place in the last week and you didn't hear about them on the MSM.

In Atlanta 39 young children were rescued by the government from a sex predator ring. An observant citizen informed the law. He was missing his granddaughter. All the children, except his were found.

In Cleveland 19 children were rescued from the same type of torture and imprisonment but nary a word from the MSM. 

What is their agenda that this is not the biggest of big stories? Children and sex! What is there that is of more importance?

Is the lack of reporting due to these rescues are ignored because they would reflect positively on the Trump administration? Surely, the MSM doesn't hate children and want them to be used by perverts for their pleasure.

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