Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stimulus Money For Omaha Schools: $130K For 8,000 Social Diversity Books

Wowie! The headlines of this post are incredulous. That's a lot of stimulus money. The big question is, what jobs are created by studying social justice? I was always amazed at some of the educational programs are esteemed administrators and school boards came up with when I was a little ol' teacher. I taught a class in social studies in the early 80's titled, 'Minorities in America'. Basically, it was a book about how minorities got screwed by the government and the American people. The longest chapters dealt with Blacks and Hispanics. The shortest; Jews and Orientals. There's a story here; might be that the latter two groups overcame social and economic discrimination and achieved.
Even though I was in my late thirties at the time I wasn't completely stupid in the classroom. I never, ever used the prescribed text book. Know why? I wanted the kids to know American History as it was and not the way some egghead college prof thought it should be.
If you think I'm wrong check out a history book brought home by your kid, neighbor or grand child. Today's diversity and social justice programs will tell you something along the lines of America being the evil empire by dropping the A-bomb on Hiroshima.
Getting back to Omaha. There isn't a lot to add to the story except it'd be interesting to know how much of our tax stimulus money went to other nonsense programs OR to line the pockets of the gifted and talented people, AKA government workers.

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