Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Biden Cheers Unions At Campaign Event: "You Fired The First Shot"

Do you remember when John McCain chastised a supporter during the campaign of 2008. The man's name was Bill Cunningham of WLW radio in Cincinnati. Cunningham led off a rally by referring to McCain's opponent as Barack Hussein Obama. McCain lashed out at Cunningham on stage for using Obama's middle name saying, "we don't need those kind of attacks". Republicans are fairly stupid. They don't attack. They aren't mean enough. Take, for example, the banner of this blog. How civil is this? Granted it's coming from Biden but harken back to Obama: "If they bring a knife we'll bring a gun" to what he said were Republican attacks. This took place at, where else, a fund raiser in Philly.
The way I see it Herman Cain is the only candidate who won't take crap off the loser side. I believe Newt could take the Libs to task but I want him to get involved with Jenny Craig first. But that's my opinion only.

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