Friday, November 18, 2011

Shop At Target To Keep Your Sanity

I've been carrying around the same phone/address book for over twenty years. It has the appearance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Pages are ripped, addresses lined out and re-done. It looks like a three year who has old writing on the bathroom wall. Office Max and Staples seem to be the two best places for replacements and Staples came into view first. The home office supplies were stocked with an assortment of the books I needed except I didn't want the complete book; just replacement sheets in a 3 ring binder. Anyway, a young kid around 20 offered to help me. He seemed like a nice clean cut looking Arabic lad. I had noticed the prices for these books seemed rather pricey so to make conversation I said, "Boy, these seem expensive". Then I said, "why do you think that is"? Get this. He said I should blame Bush. I was incredulous so I asked him, "why should I do that"? "It's because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan", he responded.
I wanted to say, "Son, have you ever heard of 9/11? Are you aware of a guy named bin Laden, gropus of terrorists named Al-Quaida and the Taliban? Do you know there was a country called Kuwait who asked for our help against Iraq? Have you ever heard of weapons of mass destruction?(And yes, Saddam did have and use these). I wanted to do all of these things but I didn't because I'd exercised my lungs enough today. I did the only thing that could be done to show my displeasure. MJ headed for the store exit and without an expensive
address book. Besides, I could do better at Target.

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