Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dem Congressman Supports Repealing Ban On Sodomy And Bestiality In Military

Rep. Rob Andrews (D-N.J.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told that he supports repealing the military's ban against sodomy and bestiality because, while he does not condone these practices, he does not think whether someone engages in these behaviors is "relevant to one's conduct as a military officer or an enlisted person."

In my last and greatest job before retiring we had a salesman who covered the territory of Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky. His name was Alfred and he escaped from Hungary by crawling under a barbed wire fence during the 1956 Revolution. Alfred, a great American patriot, had a saying when he was incredulous at a certain act done by the government. It was, "You've GOT to be SH***ING me", in the way only a Hungarian with an accent could say it. Bestiality, sodomy, US government, congressmen, dufuses, goats, dogs and donkeys!

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