Friday, December 9, 2011

Iowa State University Prof Makes Ass Of Himself

I'm only putting this on my blog because Iowa State is the school where my wife and son matriculated means I spent a lot of cash there. I'm going to quote verbatim what this yahoo said then comment afterwards....I'm hoping I don't use fowl language.

An Iowa State University lecturer is under a firestorm of criticism after he insulted the U.S. military and condemned efforts by College Republicans to collect gift boxes for American soldiers.

“Why do Republicans care so much about the military?” Thomas Walker wrote in a letter to the Iowa State Daily. “Because the military-industrial complex is dear to their simplistic laissez-faire fantasies: a bottom-line patriotism that excludes the people at the bottom.”

Walker is a lecturer in the university’s English and orientation program. He ridiculed the charitable actions of the young college students and questioned their motives.

“Soldiers are to Republicans as fetuses are to them: prized,” Walker wrote. “But once out of the womb-like army, Republican solicitude for hapless veterans goes where extracted zygotes go.”

Notice, if you will the quotes from Prof Walker. Is he your typical egghead or what. How'd you like to spend an hour with him at a cocktail party listening to his diarrhea of the mouth while he sucks on a pipe with an ascot around his neck?
Hah! Laissez-faire fantasies-fetuses and zygotes. Gimme a break. It's like I'm reading something from Bill Ayers. Am I allowed to write the following? No? Sure I can. What a fag!

content from Weasel Zippers

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