Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The 'F' Word And Boobs On TV

There was a segment on the news last night, NBC I think, about a television show having a toddler utter the infamous 'F' word on an upcoming segment of "The Modern Family". I think it's a popular show. Lizzie and I don't watch it. My daughter thinks it's the funniest show on TV. Knowing her, she'll quickly change her mind at this latest revelation.
According to the previously mentioned news segment, liberal Justice, Ruth Ginsburg, thinks it's okay to have this type of language in your home. Justices Scalia and Roberts think otherwise. Aha! Another big difference between liberals and conservatives. Language doesn't receive special treatment, either. There will also be visual topless scenes, too.
It's going to be the same old story. One show will have it then another and then another. Language will become progressively worse and you'll have to keep looking over your shoulder to see if the your child is within listening range of the television. Of course, America being what we are, some parent's will think it's a hoot when their child, still in diapers, runs around yelling, "F@ck you" while in Sunday church.
This is a good reason my son allows only G-rated cartoon shows in his home.

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