Sunday, January 1, 2012

What A Waste Of Time

Finally, the Iowa caucuses are about to come to an end. What a waste of time and money for the candidates. Considering that a very small percentage of Iowans participate in the event this should be reason enough to put it to bed--permanently.
The only benefit to come out of the entire process is service industries see an increase in profits; motels, restaurants, casinos and whatever.
Let me illustrate how ridiculous this fiasco has become. Last night Fox News had a reporter, obviously from another state, visiting Decorah(pronounced: Duh-core-uh), Iowa. The town of 8,000 is quaint with beautiful scenery surrounding the many antique shops. It's nestled in the bluffs and foothills of northeast Iowa. The on sight reporter informed us that he was in "Dek-ruh". If a national news operation can't get the pronunciation of a voting town correct then forget about it.
If you are not familiar with how this ystem works follow closely. Residents who care, go to a meeting place, a school, for instance. Then on command people move to a specific room or area for their candidate of choice. Votes are tabulated for their guy or gal then they go home. That's it.
In the 2008 caucus The Bamster was running and since Illinois, his home state, borders Iowa, hundreds upon hundreds of his followers inundated the state to vote for him. You don't have to show an ID or proof of state residency. All that's required is to be there and raise your hand on command. Ridiculous, isn't it?
I happened to be watching a television newscast a few days ago and the segment was all about Ron Paul. Forget for a minute that he's a dunderhead. The entire piece of five minutes was about how passionate the Ron Paul supporters were about his candidacy. Four people were interviewed; one from Minneapolis and three from Texas.
That, in a nutshell, explains the futility of the Iowa caucus system.
I guess a state has to have at least one fault. Other than this: Go Hawks!

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