Monday, December 26, 2016

Barack's Scandal Free Administration

As the long nightmare ends we, the people, are being inundated with platitudes regarding Obama's scandal free admission. Beauty, and the truth, is in the eye of the beholder we're told. Liberals are living in a dream world when it comes to scandals. Barack and his White House socket puppet press secretary, Josh Earnest, have recently been shoving the mantra of scandal free down our throats. Trust me when I write, "It ain't so".

Two years ago I researched this topic and came up with eighty reasons but who's counting when one gets that high?

To simplify matters I've boiled his scandals down to enough scant few: Enjoy.

1. Operation Fast and Furious. 
2. Benghazi. 
3. Obama's IRS targeting conservative organizations. 
4. Obama's DOJ seizing Associated Press phone records as well as phone and email records from Fox News reporter James Rosen.
5. Obama's NSA conducting mass surveillance against American citizens without a warrant. 
6. The Obama administration paying ransom to Iran for hostages, and then lying to the American people about it. . 
7. Hillary's email scandal. (Obama used her server under an alias, making him guilty) 
8. Obama's Environmental Protection Agency poisoning a Colorado river. 
9. Obama's EPA also broke federal law in promoting their regulations.
10. Obama's GSA partying in Las Vegas scandal.
11. Obama's Secret Service prostitution scandal.
12. Trading 5 top Taliban leaders for one muslim sympathizer deserter. (Bergdahl)
13: Obama throwing Israel under the bus, much to the delight of muslim terrorists across the globe.
14: VA waiting list scandal
15: "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" - LIE of the decade.
16: Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty

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