Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Disasterous Statistic Of The Day

According to real estate analysts at Trulia 40% of millennials are living with their parents. Of course, this could be fake news but I doubt it.

My question is, if this is the case, what in God's name is wrong with their parents?

My wife and I were blessed by God to bring into this world three wonderful beautiful children. They are now aged 45, 44 and 40.

We, the Queen and I, vividly recall the day they graduated from college. We also remember they never  darkened our doorway as residents and they didn't want it that way. In other words, "live with mom and dad. How stupid are you"?

They wanted to get rid of as much as we did them even though we loved each other dearly and still do.

And that's the way it's supposed to be.

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