Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How To Irritate A Liberal At Christmas

Ah, Christmastime. The enchanting lights; the sweet scents of pine, cinnamon, and clove in the air; the joyous times spent with family and friends — it truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
But Christmas also happens to be a wonderful opportunity to irritate liberals.
The cultural poison of political correctness crept in like — as Donna Brazile would say — a thief in the night.
It is obvious that the far-Left dislikes Christmas — a lot — “Merry Christmas” became the insipid “happy holidays,” while Christmas vacation became “winter break.”
So what better way to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year than to rub it in the noses of anti-Christian cultural Marxists everywhere? Give yourselves some fun b doing the follo
1.) Choose your words wisely. Be sure to say “Merry Christmas” whenever — and to whomever — you can. This is especially important if a politically correct cretin says “happy holidays” to you first. Or if you’re in a Starbucks. If you feel particularly possessed of the Christmas spirit — and of the desire to make liberals particularly uncomfortable — you could also try saying something along the lines of, “joy to the world, the Lord is come.”
2.) Sing it loud, sing it proud. Play, sing, or even hum Christmas carols at home, at the office, and in public if possible — and do so loudly, especially if a grinch is in earshot. None of that Santa’s coming to town. 
3.) Decorate appropriately. Santas and reindeer are all well and good, but nothing carries the true message of Christmas better than a nativity scene. 
Mini nativity scenes and advent calendars are a great option for the student dorm or office cubicle — It’s the little touches that make all the difference. As for Christmas trees, be sure they are topped with an angel or star only — a Donald Trump Christmas ornament is always a nice touch too.
4.) Give gifts that count. Forced to participate in an office Secret Santa this year? There’s no better way to poke a little fun at that liberal colleague of yours than the perfect gift! If you find yourself tasked with being a Secret Santa to such a colleague, consider a “Make America Great Again” hat, or perhaps a copy of “The Blessings of Christmas” by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Another wonderful gift would be a mini American desk flag
5.) Savor every moment. There are of course 12 days of Christmas, from Christmas Day through Epiphany. That's 12 whole days to remind Christmas-hating liberals of their country's cultural heritage. Enjoy them.
Merry Christmas!
From Polizette

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