Thursday, December 15, 2016

Global Warming On The March

Don't you hate those Al Gore jokes dealing with global warming from mid-December thru the month of February? In many states the month of March isn't an outdoor pool one.

Today was one of those days. In 46 of our individual states(58 if you're an Obama lover)the temperatures did not rise above 32 degrees.

Dublin, Ohio where I reside isn't considered a frigid weather area. We jumped to ten above zero BUT the sun was shining and bright blue skies adorned with fluffy white clouds filled our skies. Sun, blue skies, clouds:
Why, it's a Christmas miracle.

Have you ever noticed when the wind comes out of the north and temperatures aren't fit for man nor beast Al Gore and Leonardo Di Caprio are like flatulence in a frigid barn. You can never see them but you know their there.

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