Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Crucifixion Is Too Violent For Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is having an annus horribilus.
Now, as if Facebook didn’t have enough troubles, a Roman Catholic university in Ohio is charging that the social media behemoth rejected its Easter ad last weekend because the crucifixion it depicted was “shocking, sensational and excessively violent.”(Or is Zuckerberg anti-Christian because his Jewish ancestors put Jesus to death?)

Do ya think?
Isn’t the brutal violence of being nailed to a cross naked until dead part of what Christians have been observing lo these almost two millenia? Without the awful death for the sins of man, there is no resurrection. Perhaps someone in Silicon Valley knows that.
Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio (“We teach those who teach the faith”) sought to post a series of ads for its online theology programs last week. One of them included an image of the Crucifixion of Christ on the San Damiano Cross.
Soon, the ad was barred and the university received the following administrative notice:
“Your image, video thumbnail or video can’t contain shocking, sensational, or excessively violent content.”
Do you think anyone at Facebook has ever entered a Christian church at some point in the past 1,970 or so years and noticed the images of Christ’s Crucifixion witnessed by hundreds of millions of worshipers over all these years?

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