Let me start off by saying this chick wouldn't make my list of dateables. It isn't the gnarly cluster on her left cheek that would do me in. It's the ring through her nose and philosophy that wouldn't allow me to buy her lunch at Wendy's.
First off, she's a Brit. Secondly she's a philosophy instructor who emphasizes the following: She said, in her new book we can solve the climate change problem by not having any more babies and letting the human race die out. This makes perfect sense to me but I don't think it'll work for two reasons: 1) Men get horny and 2) some women have great difficulty in keeping their legs crossed.
The babes name is Patricia MacCormack. I can't believe she teaches at a university. LOL
Her credentials are remarkable(ly) ridiculous.
A researcher of "feminism, queer theory, posthuman theory, horror film, body modification, animal rights/abolitionism, cinesexuality, and ethics" — notes in "The Ahuman Manifesto" that humans have failed to see the damage we've done to each other and other living species on Earth.
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