Monday, February 10, 2020

So Very Happy To Be Parents Again

It was one year today ago our Cairn Terrier rescue pooch, Charlie, came to live with us. So far its been a great ride.
The poor little scamp was adopted by someone a few months after his birth in 2014. For whatever reason he was sent back to a kennel after three months where he lived for slightly less than a year. Then adoption came again. The adopter was a very professional and successful businessman. Four years after he was taken home the man got married. His wife decided Charlie(he was called Shorty then) had to go because she had her dog and gave her husband an order. His dog had to go. What an idiot she was. Charlie got a reprieve from this existence. We later found out the owner kept Charlie in a cage for 9 hours while he was at work. No animal should be forced to live this way.

As with all in this life the ending is always the best. Charlie got new parents in the form of Her Majesty and moi. What a joy he's been. I can't imagine being without our dear little man.

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