Thursday, March 5, 2009

546 Political Pigs

The article excerpted is from JB Williams in today's Canada Free Press. Mr. Williams is a no nonsense patriot and tells it like it is. Enjoy

310 million Americans have allowed 546 political pigs in Washington DC to completely destroy the greatest nation ever known to mankind. The people didn’t destroy the nation themselves, even though they will be the ones who will have to pick up the pieces and start all over, once it all comes unhinged… But they have allowed it.

We have one president, one vice president, nine Supreme Court justices’, 435 members of the people’s House and 100 US senators. That’s 546 people responsible for forcing 310 million Americans into the proverbial soup line, where 546 political pigs hope Americans will choose global secular socialism as a lesser evil to a complete socio-economic meltdown.

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