Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bernie Madoff And Democrats$$$$$$$$$

From Scott Martin at the DC Examiner for March 11:
It looks like longtime Democratic Party supporter Bernard Madoff will spend the rest of his life in prison. In a country with an unbiased, watchdog press corps, the Bernie Madoff scandal would have Democrat pols in Washington shaking in their suits, fearing hearings, as many Republicans did during the Jack Abramoff scandal.
Instead, you probably don't even know that Madoff is a big supporter of the Democratic Party and a lobbyist, but how could he not be? Could the Charles Ponzi of today thrive in any party other than the party that memorialized the Ponzi Scheme forever, with Social Security?
As Liberty's Apothecary notes:
(T)he storyline you likely will never see in any of the mainstream media is the list of Democrats - and including the Democrat Senatorial Committee - who were recipients and beneficiaries of Bernie Madoff’s largess over the years. While some Republicans received Madoff money, virtually all of the dough went to the left. Liberal media bias perhaps? Who would have guessed?
Winners in the Madoff/Ponzi sweepstakes included Hillary Rodham (”It’s-Been-an-Interesting-Marriage”) Clinton, now Obama’s Secretary of State; Senator Charles (”The-People-Just-Don’t-Care-About-Earmarks”) Schumer (D.N.Y); Congressman Charles (”Whattaya-Mean-I-Gotta-Pay-My-Fair-Share-of-Taxes?”) Rangel (D.N.Y.); and Congressman David (”Don’t-Ask-Me-About-Earmarks”) Obey (D.WI.), Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and co-author of the original, cosmetically-enhanced porker ultimately enacted as the “stimulus bill.” These Democrats received, at one time or another, thousands of dollars from Madoff.
Moreover, Democrat senatorial candidates in general - including one particular then-serving junior senator from Illinois - received indirect benefits from the over $100,000.00 in political contributions Madoff or his controlled entities made between 1998 and 2008 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Meanwhile, points out that Madoff and lobbyists within his firm spent nearly $1 million on political influence inside Washington.
In total, he and his wife, Ruth, have given $238,200 to federal candidates, parties and committees since 1991, with Democrats getting 88 percent of that. Overall, Madoff and other individuals at his company, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, gave $372,100 in campaign contributions since 1991, with 89 percent to Democrats. The firm spent $590,000 on lobbying in the last 11 years, all but $10,000 of it with the lobbying firm of Lent, Scrivner & Roth.When it was Jack Abramoff, the media didn't hesitate to label every Republican who had ever spent time in the same room as the lobbyist a crook.
What about today? Instead of calls for hearings to investigate how the SEC managed to ignore Madoff's dealings for the better part of two decades, we hear crickets. That's your fair and balanced mainstream media and your Democrat-controlled Congress looking out for you.

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