Friday, February 12, 2016

Chelsea Tells A Whopper

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That saying has been used a thousand times a thousand and then some.

Chelsea Clinton was speaking to a group of reporters about her faith that that of her parents. What she told them makes her mother's tale about running on a tarmac to escape a hail of bullets in Bosnia seems tame by comparison.

Get this:
“I was raised in a Methodist church and I left the Baptist church before my dad did because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday School. That’s a true story.”
A six year old is confronted with beliefs about abortion and through a cognitive thought process comes to the conclusion she cannot have her mind screwed with---it was against her belief.
Here's the problem. When Chelsea was six both of her parents professed a pro-life advocacy. "That's a true story" with the emphasis on 'story'.

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