Saturday, February 20, 2016

You Know You're Getting Old When----

A friend bought me a years subscription for Sports Illustrated as a Christmas gift. I think he felt it was an obligation. We'd communicated via the email for a couple of years. I met the man for the first time in person last summer. I bought him lunch and brew and he reciprocated with the magazine.

I enjoy SI but don't peruse the pages voraciously as I did in younger days. Last week I received the Swimsuit Issue. The cover page announced the 'girls' were body painted. IN my younger days, learning of this, I would have given it the 'Ooh-la-la' whistle.

Here's where it got scary. I looked at the cover, didn't see much of interest, then threw it in the recycle can.

I didn't have one regret and, until now, haven't given my action a thought. One aspect of losing all one's testosterone is, when it goes everything goes.

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